W.G.C. garden club is a place for like-minded folks to meet once a month and discuss and learn more about gardening, floral design, and horticulture. We contribute to the community in a variety of ways, such as plant sales, the Butterfly Release (offered free to the public) and maintaining the Greensburg Library planters.
There is always friendship and fun, exciting events or an interesting speaker at our monthly meetings. Come Join us!
We're always welcoming new members. Whether you're an experience or novice gardener, we offer a warm and inviting environment for all.
To become a member call or visit our office on Tuesday or Thursday from 10am-3pm – or come to a meeting or event . A simple membership form is requested with contact info. You can download and print your own form by clicking on the link below or get one at the Office. Membership dues are requested at the time of member sign-up.
Come and join in the fun!
Membership Prices
$20 Annually
$5 Annually for students
WGC Member Meetings are open to the public and are held on the
FIRST Tuesday of every month.
Meetings are followed by a light luncheon.
Guests are Welcome.
When: 11:00 am
Where: Greensburg Civic Center
( Unless otherwise noted )
951 Old Salem Road Greensburg, PA 15601
WGC Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 11:00 a.m.
at the Greensburg Civic Center unless otherwise noted.
W.G.C. Dues for 2025 are $20.
This renews your membership from January 1 through December 31, 2025.
Such a bargain!
We are currently planning our usual exciting and informative programs to offer members for our monthly meetings, all with a focus on interesting gardening subjects.
As a special treat; our meetings end with a light luncheon provided by our members in tandem with the refreshment committee. Monthly programs and a free lunch for $20 per year – What a bargain!
Our members know that the best part of W.G.C. is getting together with knowledgable friends who share the same interests – and problems of gardening. All are welcome to join!
Please contact the office to join or update and renew your membership.
Westmoreland Garden Council
951 Old Salem Road, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601, United States
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 10:00-3:00pm
Phone: 724-837-0245
Westmoreland Garden Council is a nonprofit organization that leases space in the Greensburg Civic Center.
Copyright © 2024 Westmoreland Garden Council - All Rights Reserved.