Thank you one and all for contributing your skills, time and talent
for another successful W.G.C year!
Westmoreland Garden Council depends on its volunteers to help out with a variety of needs; from gardening or baking to making crafts for our annual sales. Volunteer hours are logged for Grants and sponsors. Volunteering is a great chance to make new friends and reconnect with old ones in our community.
At the February meeting it was pointed out that the same 10 – 20 members volunteer again and again, while others are absent.
WGC request that each member please volunteer at least one hour each year.
Remember –Many hands make light work and we count on you for support. Thank you!!
The 2025 Spring Tea Chair person, Paula, encourages all members to consider donating time and energy for this lovely event.
New members are especially welcomed to host a table, but there are many jobs to fill for this event, including food preparation and set-up, to name a few.
We are also in need of raffle basket donations for the tea. The Raffle is a big part of the event and we depend on our members for donations. Click this link to an article for gift basket ideas for help choosing a 'theme'.
Don't know how to 'put together' a gift basket? No worries – drop off the 'ingredients' and one of our volunteers will arrange the items into a beautiful basket for you.
THANK YOU for your contribution!
Many hands make light work, and this has never been more true that with the WGC spring tea, one of the most popular events of the year.
Contact the office for more information and to sign up to volunteer.
Our volunteer coordinator, Nadine, expressed thanks to all the volunteers who have donated their time and effort for the Butterfly Wands, Christmas sale and other crafting events this year!
Our Master gardener, Elizabeth, also sends her thanks to everyone that helped with the butterfly garden and to those that donated 'Greens' and helped making baskets, kissing balls, wreaths and more for the Christmas sale.
YOU make a difference!
In 2022 We had 3,629 volunteer hours logged!
Many thanks to one and all!
If you volunteer for any reason please log your hours on the volunteer sheet in the office.
Anything that you did outside of normal club meeting time for the benefit of the Garden Center can be calculated as volunteer time.
Westmoreland Garden Council
951 Old Salem Road, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601, United States
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 10:00-3:00pm
Phone: 724-837-0245
Westmoreland Garden Council is a nonprofit organization that leases space in the Greensburg Civic Center.
Copyright © 2024 Westmoreland Garden Council - All Rights Reserved.